Want to know the exact lyrics to songs you are playing? Here is a list of the best free music players with lyrics downloaders for Windows 11/10 PC.
We tend to lip-sync the lyrics of the songs we love to hear. But it gets a little annoying when you don’t get the correct lyrics of the songs. There are a lot of music players for PC, but all don’t provide features to find and display song lyrics. Hence, I have curated a list of free music player software that comes with a lyrics downloader. These audio players fetch lyrics of the songs from various online websites (LyricsFreak, AZLyrics, MusixMatch, etc.) and display them in a dedicated section.
Music Player with Lyrics Downloader software for Windows 11/10
Here is the list of free music players with lyrics downloaders:
- GOM Audio
- Musique
- MediaHuman Lyrics Finder
- Free Lyrics Finder
- Musicbee
Let’s talk about these freeware in detail!
1] GOM Audio
GOM Audio is a free music player that comes with a lyrics downloader. It fetches lyrics of the currently playing song and displays synchronized lyrics in a dedicated window. Plus, it also offers a desktop lyrics bar that shows lyrics in the background. You can continue working on different applications while playing songs with lyrics shown on your screen.
It also provides a handy Edit Sync Lyrics option that you can use to manually modify synchronized lyrics. If you have song lyrics saved in an LRC file, you can import the file and add lyrics to the song. Further, you get the flexibility to customize font settings, color options, and transparency effect for displaying lyrics.
GOM Audio is a great audio player with a beautiful user interface. Besides synchronized lyrics, it offers many more great features such as equalizer, music organizer, internet radio, etc., and is a complete package of a music player.
2] Musique
Musique is a free music player with a lyrics downloader for Windows 10. It lets you import your music collection and listen to songs with their respective lyrics. You get a dedicated Lyrics panel where it displays song lyrics. It provides an i button present on the top toolbar. Click on it to quickly open Lyrics panel and view song lyrics.
It is quite a simple music player with standard music playback and organizer features including a lyrics downloader.
3] MediaHuman Lyrics Finder
MediaHuman Lyrics Finder is a dedicated lyrics fetcher software for Windows 10. It is specially designed to find the lyrics of the songs from various online sources including LyricsFreak, Genius, AZLyrics, and Megalyrics. And, it comes with a built-in music player. So, you can play songs and view their lyrics too.
You can find a dedicated section where lyrics are shown. It provides some lyrics options like fetch lyrics, find song lyrics on the web, etc. You can also make changes to existing lyrics and save edited lyrics in songs’ metadata. Besides that, you can increase or decrease font size of the lyrics as per your preference. Get it here.
4] Free Lyrics Finder
Free Lyrics Finder is another dedicated software to fetch song lyrics from online sources. It lets you play music and download the lyrics of tracks. You can view song lyrics by clicking on the Find Lyrics option present on the toolbar. Some other features like Filter songs by empty lyrics and Show cover image of song are also available in it.
AIMP is quite a popular music player with the ability to download and show lyrics of songs. To view song lyrics, import your music library and right-click on a song. Then, click on the File Info option from the context menu. It will open up a Tag Editor window where you will see Lyrics tab. Go to the Lyrics tab and it will show you the tagged lyrics.
If you don’t see any lyrics, click on the Download Lyrics from Internet option (highlighted in the above screenshot). It will download lyrics from the web and display them on screen. You can also manually edit lyrics of a song and save them in tag information.
It is a nice music player and it also comes with an audio converter to convert audio formats.
6] Musicbee
Musicbee is another music player that fetches and shows lyrics. It shows you tagged lyrics as well as lets you retrieve lyrics from online. Also, it allows you to edit displayed lyrics. You can even download another lyric downloader plugin from getmusicbee.com and configure the plugin by going to the Edit > Edit Preferences > Plugin option.
It lets you save fetched lyrics to the songs. Additionally, it offers tools to download album art, convert audio format, rip CD, burn a disc, and more.
Also read: Free Music Players for Windows 11
In this article, I mentioned the best free music players that provide inbuilt lyrics downloader to fetch and show song lyrics. All of them are good, although my favorite is GOM Audio that shows synchronized lyrics and provides a separate lyrics bar.